Visual Design + Typography // Abiogenesis
The first creative dictionary born from the evolution of language on iPad It is called ADAM, like the first man in a new era of communication. It is an iPad magazine downloadable from the Apple Store from February. Born from an idea by Luigi Vernieri, created by Fefè Project in partnership with IED, and developed for the iPad by Alessandro Risuleo’s Visual Creative Studio, ADAM is the first creative dictionary in the digital publishing industry, where words and graphics, illustration, video, animation, sound design, music, gesture, a new approach to reading, interactivity, game, web and social network contribute to the creation of a new language. Like the first man in a whole new world, ADAM looks for new words, new ways to rewrite definitions, to convey contents with the freedom, lightness, originality, fascination and depth of a creative alphabet. “The Aleph Issue” is the first issue of the magazine, the absolute beginning. It features 26 words, as many as the letters of the alphabet. The first letter is A, which follows a cultured red thread visually associated with words listed in alphabetical order: Aa (Aataensic), Ab (Abiogenesis), Ac (AC/CD), Ad (Adam), and so on, definition after definition, up to Az (Aztec). ADAM is available on the iPad with absolutely original materials, never published before, created to make the most of the potential of this medium. Each definition is presented to the reader through videos, illustrations, rotating pictures, interactive games, sound and musical effects, texts to be scrolled down, providing the user with an unprecedented “reading” experience. Its language greatly extends the possibility of participating in the discovery of contents and sharing them through social networks. For each word, rotating the iPad, it is possible to access Twitter, where a number of unknown followers propose their personal definition, in a constantly evolving description of meanings.
Si chiama ADAM, come il primo uomo di una nuova era dellacomunicazione ed è un magazine per iPad, scaricabile su Apple Store. Primo dizionario creativo dell'editoria digitale, dove parole e grafica, illustrazione, video, animazione, sound design, musica, gesto, orientamento della lettura,interattività, game, web e social network concorrono a creare un nuovo linguaggio.
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Coproduction: Simone Mariano
Creative Director: Luigi Vernieri
Art Director: Roberto Terrinoni
Engineering: Visual
Web: Marco Milanese